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Studying in Germany
[ eligibility | language | proficiency | budget | application | work permit | part-time job | blocked account | APS | Studienkolleg | visa | my guide | uniassist ]
Internships and Short-Term Programmes
[ scholarship | sandwich PhD | medical ]
PhD in Germany
PhD Proposal Writing Workshops (PPWW)
Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/ Cotutelle
[ eligibility | language | proficiency | budget | application | work permit | part-time job | blocked account | visa | proposal writing | PhD guide | scholarship | sandwich PhD ]
Research in Germany
Early Career Research Symposium
[ young researchers | Nachwuchssymposium | Germanistik ]
Cooperation Programmes and Funding
Cooperation Programmes and Funding – South Asia
iHED – International Higher Education Dialogue
German University Landscape and General Advice for Cooperation
[ funding schemes | study visits | Studierenreisen | Lectureships | Gastdozentenprogram | Fact Finding Mission | internationalisation | Lehramt | SDG | partnership ]
German Language
[ German studies | Dhoch3 | young researchers | A1 | A2 | B1 | university summer courses | GIP worldwide | Lektor | Sprachassistent | language assistant ]
Alumni for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Scientific Literature Programme
[ equipment grant | book grant | alumni club | alumni meet ]
[ web-sessions | websessions | visits | info-sessions | infosessions | web talks | conference | panel discussions ]
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DAAD Networks
Lektors and Language Assistants
[ YA | RA | networking | guidance | mentor ]
About DAAD
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